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Entertainment in Louth, Lincolnshire.
- Louth Arts Partnership - site offline
Louth Arts Partnership aims to explore the many opportunities of working together, enjoying and learning about other art forms and in doing so, strengthen Louth's position as a focus for the Arts in Lincolnshire. Site includes a whats on guide and event planner. submitted 09/07/2002
- Louth Film Club -
Louth Film Club shows classic and contemporary films that are not on the normal commercial circuit, fortnightly on Mondays at Louth's Playhouse Cinema. submitted 17/02/2009
- Louth Playgoers Theatre -
Louth Playgoers a long-standing amateur dramatics company. submitted
- Rushmoor Country Park -
Farm Park with lots of animals - all hands on encouraged - rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, hamsters, gerbils, sheep, goats, pigs, horses and more... lots under cover. Rare Breed Poultry-over 40 different breeds - Play areas with bouncy castle, picnics welcome, BBQ areas, wildlife pond, herb gardens and tea room plus The Party Room for parties and creative play. submitted 21/03/2002
- Starfly Mobile Disco - site offline
Mobile Disco and Karaoke services in Louth and throughout Lincolnshire. submitted 12/02/2009
- The Highland Piper - site offline
International Scottish piper for hire submitted 16/11/2007
- VIP Adrenaline - site offline
VIP Adrenaline specialise in event planning and management. They also offer an exciting range of Gift Experiences, every thing from Scuba Diving to Rally Car Driving, Fighter Jet Flying to Pamper Days! submitted 17/05/2005
Todays thought - Frustration is when you have ulcers but still aren't a success.